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Church Denominations

Fire At The Founding documents the historical climax of the good and great influence of the Judeo-Christian faith upon a nation through the clergy in America during the 1700s.  They boldly proclaimed Biblical truth and principles on any matter of public and national concern to their congregations, the public, and government officials and legislators.  They built within the American people the essential foundations for liberty:  true religion, righteousness, morality, a culture of life, respect for authority and the rule of law, and just and limited civil government.  The FAF documents, in their own words, the fire within the clergy that ignited a fire for truth and liberty within the American people.  The 2nd edition (2024) has a Bible study, questions for contemplation or discussion, and sermon outlines at the end of the chapters. 

1.  Paperback and hardback are available directly from this website (highest return to support GLC).  

2.  Paperback, hardback and eBooks are available through WestBow Press at this website:

3.  The same are available through other book sellers, including Amazon.  



Abortion Worldwide Report (AWR): English iBook (Apple), and eBook (PDF) options.  See "Abortion Worldwide Report page for more information.   For print book, contact GLC Publications at:  


iBooks and eBooks can be immediately downloaded from this website.  Ordering or purchasing instructions are in a special section below.  


Cost:  was $49, reduced to $30 for 1 print or iBook or eBook, and $20 each for 2-24 print books.   

Select option and click cover image below.  

Spanish eBook:  Informe Mundial del Abortion (IMA). 

Available as iBook for immediate download from this website.  Click the book cover image.  


Cost:  was $49, now on sale for $30.00 USD.    

Click cover image below.  



Study guides from these collections are available for purchase

(click the underlined title of the collection, or group under "Collection" below, or scroll down): 


AWR Study Guides:

Study Guide #3:  What is the Basis for the Sanctity of Human Life? 

Study Guide #4:  (not ready)

Study Guide #5:  What is the Basis for Human Rights and the Right to Life? 

Study Guide #6:  Legitimacy of Civil Government is Inseparable from Duty to Protect Human Life.

Study Guide #7:  The Nature of Law and Its Purpose in Protecting Human Life.   

All study guides are in PDF format, for $2 to $4 USD each, available for download upon purchase.

Select and click cover image below.   


United States briefs/documents:  

State Abortion Policies:  all 50 States, DC, USA, 1821 - 2021.  

Table of States:  First abortion prohibition, authorization, recent heartbeat & Roe v. Wade Trigger Laws. 

State policy maps:  1869, 1883, 1910-1950, 1966, 1972, 1973, 2022.  

State ranking by total abortions. 

State ranking by total abortions compared to current population. 

Graphs showing patterns of States in 3 groups and impact of policies. 

Graphs showing patterns of Missouri and Texas and impact of policies. 

PDF:  $7 [click image below] 

State Abortion Graphs:  

For each of the 50 States, DC, USA. 

Annual and total abortions, 1951 - 2021.

Shows impact of State policies and Federal imposition.   

PDF:  $8 [click image below] 

Church Denominations Who Stand for Sanctity of Human Life, Contrasted by Denominations Who Support Abortion.  Can a church or Christian support abortion?  

PDF: $5  [click image below] 



Abortion Worldwide Report (AWR) print and iBooks on SALE

ORDERING AWR iBOOKS or eBOOKS:  was $49, now on sale for $30 USD for ENGLISH or SPANISH iBook editions.  

1.  Click the image below for "Abortion Worldwide Report (iBook)," "Abortion Worldwide Report (eBook)," or "informe Mundial del Aborto," or choose the "Abortion Worldwide Report" or "Spanish" collection. 

2.  If you chose the AWR collection, choose "Abortion Worldwide Report (iBook, Apple)," for iBook download, or "Abortion Worldwide Report (eBook)," for PDF eBook download; or if you chose the Spanish collection, choose "Informe Mundial del Aborto" (eBook).      

3.  On the next screen, click the "Add to Cart" button, and complete the purchase process. 

4.  Download your iBook or eBook.   

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