
Abortion Worldwide Report:
1 Century, 100 Nations, 1 Billion Babies
The History, Policies and Sacred Accounting,
and the Means to Restore Protection of Human Life
Authors and editors: Thomas W. Jacobson and Wm. Robert Johnston
OVERVIEW: The Abortion Worldwide Report (AWR) [Informe Mundial del Aborto (IMA)] is the culmination of 35 years of research. It begins with foundational truths necessary to restore the sanctity of human life in theology, medicine, human rights, civil government and law. The report core contains the most comprehensive compilation of the history and policies of 196 nations, and tracks 1 billion abortions in 100 nations and territories from 1921 through 2015. There are 35 major findings, 130 graphs, 15 maps, and 67 lists and tables. The authors also examine how God views innocent bloodshed, holds individuals and nations accountable, and offers forgiveness of sins and restoration to those who genuinely repent. The report concludes with words of truth and hope, recommendations, national abortion graphs, the 454 data source list, a country index, and a general index. [Updates to abortion data are available on the "AWR" page of www.GlobalLifeCampaign.com.]
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AWR Working Papers (GLC & JA):
(1) Specific countries;
(2) Former country groups;
(3) Review of GI/WHO international abortion data claims
Country Laws (GLC)
More Detailed Country Data, including by state, province or territory (JA)
1-2 pagers: universal principles, summaries, lists of nations, world maps (GLC)
Sanctity of Human Life papers (GLC)
DESCRIPTION: The Abortion Worldwide Report (AWR) [Informe Mundial del Aborto (IMA)] first focuses on foundational truths necessary to restore the sanctity of human life in theology, medicine, human rights, civil government and law. Then the core of the report contains the most comprehensive compilation of the history and policies of 196 nations from 1803 to 2016, and systematically tracks more than 1 billion abortions in 100 nations and territories from 1921 through 2015. The integrity of the data collection and sources are described, as well as the logical methods for estimating missing years of abortion data. From actual policies and data, the authors developed 35 major findings, created 130 analysis and national abortion graphs, 15 regional and world policy maps, 67 lists and tables, and ranking of nations by cumulative abortions. After tabulating the greatest genocide in history, the authors examine from Scripture how God views innocent bloodshed, holds individuals and nations accountable, and offers forgiveness of sins and restoration to those who genuinely repent. Then words of truth and hope are given for women, men, families, churches, healthcare professionals, and those serving in civil government, including addressing matters of conscience. Finally, the report concludes with a summary of the major findings and selected recommendations, followed by national abortion graphs, the 454 data source list, a country index, and a general index. The AWR is the most comprehensive report every published on abortion worldwide. It is the culmination of 35 years of research.
AWR Table of Contents
Introduction & Acknowledgements
Executive Summary
Part I:
Scientific and Medical Evidence for the humanity of the Baby in the Womb
What is the Basis for Human Rights and the Right to Life?
Legitimacy of Civil Government is Inseparable from Duty to Protect Human Life
The Nature of Law and Its Purpose in Protecting Human Life
Part II:
Nations Protecting Preborn Human Life: 1800s to Present
Nations Authorizing Abortion: 1920 to 2016
Reasons Given for Abortions
The Global War Against Baby Girls: Worldwide Sex-Selective Abortion in the Early 21st Century – Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt
Part III: National Policies Table: 196 Nations, 20 Territories
Part IV:
Data Sources, Compilation, General Issues
Methodologies for Estimating Missing Data in Country-Level Abortion Time Series
Part V: A Sacred Accounting: Abortion Data for 100 Nations & Territories, 1921-2015
Part VI: Global Summaries: List, Tables, Maps & Graphs
Part VII: Major Findings:
Empirical Findings in Analyses of Reported Abortion Data: Trends for Countries & Regions
General Findings: History, Policies & Consequences
The Greatest Genocide
Part VIII: Word of Truth & Hope to People & Nations: Accountability to God & Possibility of Restoration
Part IX: Word of Truth & Hope to Individuals
Part X: Findings Summary and Recommendations
Addendum I: National Abortion Graphs (78)
Addendum II: Data Source List (454)
Country Index
General Index