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Fire At The Founding (FAF) documents the historical climax of the good and great influence of the Judeo-Christian faith upon a nation through the clergy in America during the 1700s. They boldly proclaimed Biblical truth and principles on any matter of public and national concern to their congregations, the public, and government officials and legislators. They built within the American people the essential foundations for liberty: true religion, righteousness, morality, a culture of life, respect for authority and the rule of law, and just and limited civil government. The FAF documents, in their own words, the fire within the clergy that ignited a fire for truth and liberty within the American people. The 2nd edition (2024) contains a Bible study, questions for contemplation or discussion, and sermon outline at the end of the chapters.
Fire At The Founding is based primarily on original research done at the U.S. Library of Congress, particularly the Rare Book Room. The author, Thomas W. Jacobson, did not intentionally look for materials written by clergy, but the majority he found were written by them. As he also read from private and public leaders, he noticed they were declaring the same truths and principles that the preachers said, but usually not quoting the Bible. Thus, he discovered the great influence of the preachers. The FAF is full of their gold nuggets of wisdom that have been hidden from our us for generations, but now are made known to us and future generations.
Fire At The Founding is designed to inspire, equip, encourage and embolden clergy and Christians today so they too can be vessels of the Spirit of God to rebuild and restore the church as "the pillar and support of the Truth" (1 Timothy 3:15), and rebuild the foundations of our beloved nation. By recovering the truth about our history, and the noble and profound influence of the clergy and Church in the United States, we shall remember the LORD God by remembering what He did through His people in earlier generations. This will enable us to fulfill His command: “One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4). Let us be strong and courageous in believing that God wills to do great things through us today.
Pastors and priests, professors and teachers, parents, students, government officials, legislators and judges, diplomats and Christians in other sectors who read this book will restore within themselves Biblical and Judeo-Christian foundations and be able to impart the same to others. You will be able to understand clearly the proper influence of clergy, Christianity and true religion upon government; the distinct roles and separate spheres of authority of church and government; the importance of vigilantly protecting inalienable human rights, including freedoms of mind, conscience and religion; the truth about the American Colonies, Revolution, slavery and the Civil War; and the influence of Christianity in making good citizens and good rulers.
The original research and writing were done in 1993-1994, but publishers were not interested in it then. Dr. D. James Kennedy wrote the forward in 1994, when he was still alive and before he went to heaven in 2007. With all the turmoil in the United States in 2020, and the opportunity to rebuild our nation, now seems to be the right time to offer the book.
Author: Thomas W. Jacobson
Foreword by D. James Kennedy
1. The Fire: The Proper Influence of Clergy
2. Public Recognition of Sovereignty of
Almighty God & Keeping Lord’s Day Holy
3. Liberty Recognized as a Gift of God; Virtue
Necessary to Preserve
4. American Colonies Settled as an Asylum for Liberty & True Religion
5. Freedom of Mind, Conscience & Religion
6. Not All Sins are Crimes
7. Religion and Government
8. No Establishment of Religion
9. Choosing Good Rulers
10. Obey Good Rulers, Resist Tyrants
Respectfully and Firmly
11. The Truth About the American Revolution
12. The Sin of Slavery & The Civil War
13. The Cause of Corruption and Method
of Restoration of a Nation
Thomas Jacobson has done yeoman’s work in writing the second edition of Fire At The Founding. Thomas’ book should be mandatory reading for every student of theology or practical ministry, particularly aspiring pastors. Fire At The Founding will help pastors today understand that the Pulpit was the vanguard of the political worldview that formed the freest, most prosperous, most beneficent, most prolific missionary-sending Republic in human history. But when many pastors and churches submitted to the unconstitutional 1954 Johnson Amendment, which was designed to silence the pulpits of America on critical matters of government and politics, they absolved themselves from their sacred duty to secure liberty to their own generation and to Posterity, and surrendered the Civil Society to the children of disobedience (Colossians 3:6). I pray that Thomas’ book will be read by pastors across America, and jolt those who are asleep to awaken from their slumber and call their congregations into the fight for our Blessed Country.
Rev. William Cook, Founder
America’s Black Robe Regiment
I am so excited to endorse this book to anyone who cares passionately about the state of the Church and our nation! As one who had to stand up against our governor in Colorado and keep our church doors open during the pandemic, I am well aware of the importance of using the pulpit to stimulate faith both from the Bible and from the U.S. Constitution. May this book fire you up with fresh love for Jesus and our nation!
Dr. Steve Holt
Founder, Senior Pastor, The Road @ Chapel Hills
Founder Worshipper Warrior Men’s Ministry
Author of the best-selling book, Worshipper and Warrior
I am approaching my fourth decade in full-time ministry as the senior pastor within the same church. It wasn’t until my 21st year of ministry that I learned about the profound and vital impact that pastors and clergy played in the founding of America. Thomas Jacobson has done an amazing job in his book Fire At The Founding through diligent research of rare and hard-to-find books, original documents, and the writings of our founders. You will discover the secret of their success in laying the solid foundations of the greatest nation in the history of the world. Psalm 11:3 asks the question, “if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?" My answer to that is: get busy rebuilding them! I believe the book that you hold in your hands will help you to do just that.
Mark Cowart
Senior Pastor/Church For All Nations
Colorado Springs, CO
“Thomas W. Jacobson’s Fire at the Founding is a powerful book revealing the spiritual motivation of the courageous leaders who sacrificed to give us our nation. It is vital for leaders today to rediscover this treasure. I highly recommend every American read Jacobson’s Fire at the Founding to preserve our freedoms. President Coolidge declared in 1926: ‘The principles … which went into the Declaration of Independence ... are found in the texts, the sermons, and the writings of the early colonial clergy … They preached equality because they believed in the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. They justified freedom by the text that we are all created in the divine image … In those days such doctrines would scarcely have been permitted to flourish and spread in any other country ... The Declaration of Independence is a great spiritual document ... Unless the faith of Americans in these religious convictions endures, the principles of our Declaration will perish. We cannot continue to enjoy the result if we neglect and abandon the cause ... The things of the spirit come first.’”
– William J. Federer, best-selling author of America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations
“Thomas Jacobson has given us a book that is needed by the church and our nation in such a time as this. It’s obvious that what the author has uncovered through these powerful writings, is responsible for America being a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles. These preachers came from the time in our country when freedom and righteousness were being established. Without their preaching and writing, American would not be America. Their influence far exceeded their role as the spiritual leader within their congregation but spilled out into the culture and political life of early America. And our uniqueness as a nation with the principles of hard work, honesty, limited government, respect for authority, and charity for their neighbors, was not only taught, but lived out by these Christian leaders. They were the leaders of our country. The application to us today is we need to get back to the principles that these Preachers lived out. It’s all provided for us in this very readable prose. It gives us the recipe for starting a revival, first in our own families, our places of worship, and public arena. We talk of revival, and we need it. This book gives us the clear road map for it. It’s a must read.”
– J. Michael Smith, President Emeritus, Home School Legal Defense Association
"Jacobson has crafted a well-researched treatise on the spiritual roots that brought forth America. There is no way to overstate the role the Clergy had in fashioning the intellectual framework and the cultural expectations that founded this country. Many of them missed the glaring hypocrisy of forming a free nation on the economic engine of enslaved Africans, but not all. The meat this book serves to the plate of everyone who reads it, is worth navigating around the distasteful bones of our American history. Buy it. Read it. Work it!"
-- Brett Fuller, Bishop, Grace Covenant Church, Chantilly, Virginia (www.gracecov.org)
Co-Chaplain, Washington Commanders
“Fire At The Founding is an awesome history of our nation, how and why it was founded on Christian beliefs and doctrine. To disregard our history is our path to destruction as a nation. This book reflects on 1700s clergy of America, who foretold what would happen to a nation if it did not get right with God, that it would stray away into a sinful nation. The words they spoke then are a clear picture of what is happening today in America."
--Steve Santana, Colorado Springs, CO