GLC Publications: Authors
Abortion Worldwide Report
Thomas W. Jacobson, MA, is the author of Fire At The Founding, the project director and co-author of the Abortion Worldwide Report (AWR), the executive director of the Global Life Campaign, and president of GLC Publications. Formerly, from 2001–2010, he served as the representative to the United Nations for Focus on the Family, meeting with representatives from 110 nations, and authoring 80 policy briefs. He began compiling abortion data on countries in 2002, and created one of the two databases from which he and Johnston teamed up to create this the AWR. Jacobson earned a master’s in public policy from Regent University, a bachelor’s in psychology from George Fox College, and a diploma in biblical studies from Lutheran Bible Institute. He lived in Brazil for 4 years, and has traveled to many nations. He is the father of two sons.
Wm. Robert Johnston, PhD, is the curator of Johnston’s Archive, and a leading expert on worldwide abortion numbers. He is a research physicist having earned a doctorate in physics from the University of Texas at Dallas, a master’s in physics from the University of Texas at El Paso, and a bachelor’s in astronomy from the University of Texas at Austin. He began collecting international abortion statistics in 1983, and publishing compilations online at Johnston’s Archive in 2001. Currently (2018), this data collection includes 519 web pages, with abortion data for 112 countries and 26 territories or regions of special status, including subnational region data for 50 countries, compiled from over 1,600 sources (www.johnstonsarchive.net/policy/abortion).
Nicholas Eberstadt, PhD, is the Henry Wendt scholar in political economy at the American Enterprise Institute, and is an economist and international expert on sex-select abortion and the emerging global demographic crises. He is the author of several books including Russia’s Peacetime Demographic Crisis, and Men Without Work: America’s Invisible Crisis; and monographs and articles including “Population Change and National Security,” “The Future of AIDS,” and “The Demographic Future: What Population Growth—and Decline—Means for the Global Economy.” In the Abortion Worldwide Report, he is the author of the brief titled, "The Global War against Baby Girls: Worldwide Sex-Selective Abortion in the Early Twenty-First Century."